Minggu, 10 April 2011

sebuah masalah adalah sesuatu yang memiliki solusi
berapa banyak waktu dalam hidup yang kita sia-siakan karena mengkhawatirkan sesuatu yang, pada saat itu,tak memiliki solusi, dan karena itu, bukan sebuah masalah?
_ajahn brahm_

so why we should wasting our time to worry about something that is exactly not a problem. one think that you have to remember --> "dont forget to think twice for something that you will plan to worry"
lucu ya, masa iya mau khawtir aja perlu rencana? gue juga pas nulis itu rada-rada gak yakin sih..hehe
tapi sekarang gue yakin itu mutlak bener, yah buat hidup gue yang sekarang maksudnya. emang kalian rela segampang itu buang-buang waktu dan tenaga buat ngekhawatirin sesuatu yang sebenernya sama sekali bukan masalah?
gue sih ogah, mending gue milih milih deh mana hal yang udah sepatutnya gue khawatirin, dan mana yang nggak. yah kita kan manusia sebenernya udah punya "filter" masing-masing loh di otak sama hati. sekarang sih terserah kita mau dimanfaatin atau disia-siain gitu aja..
ketika suatu pasangan berpacaran, mereka sekadar terlibat
ketika mereka bertunangan, mereka tetap saja hanya terlibat, mungkin lebih mendalam
ketika mereka menyatakan sumpah pernikahan, itulah yang disebut komitmen.
(ajahn brahm-cacing dan kotorannya)

terlibat dan komitmen? haha
GOT IT! it's really different! it's your life..don't make it such a terrible for you girls..

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

The Gabe Dixon Band- And The World Turned

The Gabe Dixon Band - And The World Turned .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

and the world turned and the world turned and the world turned and the world turned and the world turned..turned..turned..

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes

give me your eyes for just one second,give me your eyes so i can see
everything that i keep missing, give me your love for humanity
give me your arms for the broken hearted, the ones that are far beyond my reach
give me your heart for the once forgotten, give me your eyes so i can see
[brandon heath-give me your eyes]

yeah not only the lyrics that are so amazing, but just the overall music and beat are wonderful..
everytimes i hear this song makes me always remember what is giving all about. the true giving is really giving with love, because it's really and honestly coming from your heart.
there is fake love, there is real love, there are fake giving, there are real giving-a love giving, a gift from the heart. [hope is on the way]

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

always try to give you my best, cause you always give me your best, it's like you never left and abandoned [dedicated for you ma-pa]
ow yeah, anyway happy mother's day ma :)

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

"tatkala anda tidur, dan kemudian bangun, hari sudah menjadi pagi dan akan sama saja seandainya anda tetap terjaga sepanjang malam, anda tetap akan mengalami pagi keesokan harinya"
[hope is on the way]

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

and these word they have no meaning
if we can't find the feeling
that we held on to together
try your hardest to remember